celebrating mother's day with NDP PA mass display group at ministry of sound last sunday was a joyful one. it has been quite a while since i last clubbed. i had been to several clubs and bars around but i still miss my favourite one. chinablack that is. now that it is gone. mmm... i must also mention that the event was also a meaningful one because of what happened after the party. some were mad. some were almost screaming. some were crying. i couldn't controlled my anger too. but it all ended nicely. and things fall into places rather smoothly. incident like this taught us all a lesson - being forgiving and showing mutual respect.
two mother's day celebrations in a day. this time was with my family. had dinner and walked around. oh and i remembered, taking this photo was soooo difficult. yeah, it was taken by my brother in law. having my dad to crack jokes while taking photographes. having my sis being extremely particular with the angle and how she looks in the photo. god...
met up with tcc gang last night as the managers had promised a movie treat. cathed up with many things. it has been a while since i last met them up. i really miss them so much and the outlet too - to be really honest. so as promised we went to watched spiderman 3. 8 of us in total and 5 of use have already watched the movie before hand including me. being the second time last night. but we have all agreed to watch it again as we have promised earlier and due to the fact that the movie was extremely entertaining.

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